Coleman C500 Performance



Coleman C500 Performance

Bombola di miscela di Gas Propano/Butano

11,90 €

Volete preparare o riscaldare un pasto in modo semplice e veloce durante la pesca? Lo si può fare con un bruciatore e una cartuccia di gas Coleman. Le cartucce di gas Coleman contengono una miscela di butano e propano che garantisce una combustione costante.

Grazie alla valvola sicura e richiudibile, è possibile scollegare la cartuccia di gas e ricollegarla in seguito.

Coleman C500 Performance

- Pratica bombola di gas!
- Peso: 598 g
- Gas: 440 g
- Dimensioni: 105×160 mm
- 70% butano / 30% gas propano
- Combustione costante
- Valvola sicura e richiudibile
- Perfetto per la pesca!

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W.C. Coleman could see the light for the darkness. The young salesman was taking a stroll after a hard day’s work selling typewriters, and spotted a new type of lamplight in a drugstore window in Brockton, Alabama. This new light burned with a strong, steady white flame and was fueled by gasoline. The standard lamp of the era burned kerosene and produced a smoky, flickering, yellowish light. W.C. was stricken with very poor eyesight, and was very interested in this new, steady white light that enabled him to read even the smallest print in books and on medicine bottles. Coleman saw potential in the new light, and through his vision a new company was born that would put America’s farms and ranches in a new light, and would eventually make his name synonymous with outdoor fun.