Nash Dissolving Foam Nuggets



Nash Dissolving Foam Nuggets

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4,50 €

Rig foam galleggianti solubili per una migliore presentazione
Utilizzabili sia avvolti intorno al rig che intorno all'amo
Elevata galleggiabilità per proteggere e sospendere un amo prima di farlo appoggiare delicatamente sul fondale
Essenziali per una presentazione eccellente sopra fango o erbe
Idonee per la protezione di ami affilati
Utili per prevenire i grovigli in presenza di lunghi rig
Tornano in superficie per indicare la presenza del rig in quell punto
100% naturali e biodegradabili
Incluso un contenitore con tappo a vite

Contenuto 50 gr / 4 lt

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Nash is synonymous with Carpfishing, one of the few brands in the industry to be able to say without presuming to have "invented" the carpfishing.

From day one on the market the English company with the carp as a logo has never stopped researching and pushing ever more performing products in the carp fishing industry.

Nash is also one of the few brands that produces everything for carp fishing; from reeds to small parts, from tents to camping accessories up to the baits where, thanks to lines dedicated to each situation, it manages to provide the fisherman with truly winning solutions.

To date, those who purchase Nash Tackle products are sure to buy a piece of history of this fantastic sport.